My Aims ...

To establish as an successful LAE by 2011
Visit Old Trafford to watch ManUtd's game
Learn Piano

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Smell like ...

It was my first time having class at MAS Complex A. We have to study here as METC has been crowded and packed with the arrival of new trainees. Classes have been rescheduled and this week is our turn to have our classes over Complex A. Honestly, studying here is not so comfortable as in METC. Well, the air conditioners in class2 (complex A) are not very cold and it become stuffy when everyone is in the room, even though only 23 of us in Avionics class. Then, out of sudden the water from the ceiling leaked and wet my uniforms. Arrggg ... Some more, my sensitive nose started to sense some unpleasant odors halfway during the class. After searching wildly like a mad man, I finally found one of my colleague had taken off her shoes!! Wait, did you mean her? Yes, is a her!! Yuck ... I could not hardly bear the 'smell' till 430pm when the class ended. Wuuuu .... Huge relief!!

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