My Aims ...

To establish as an successful LAE by 2011
Visit Old Trafford to watch ManUtd's game
Learn Piano

Monday, September 8, 2008

Aircraft Marshalling ...

Aircraft Marshalling is one of the utmost procedure in aviation, particularly in aircraft ground handling at line station or airport. This morning, as parts of our practical in college, I have learned the basics of marshalling signals. Generally, aircraft marshalling is a procedure where a ground line personnel will guide and assist the pilots during taxiing of aircraft in or out of the parking bay. Well, I am sure you have seen aircraft marshalling before when you are on the queue to board the aircraft from the aero-brigde; a line personnel usually holds a pair of illuminous so called ping-pong bat (marshalling wane) and waving to the aircraft during taxiing.

It is quite interesting to learn the hand marshall signals, it has to be my first time, I must admit that. Here is a brief description on marshalling and some common signals that have been adapted globally. However, there are a few additional hand commands that cannot be found in this article such as brake on, salute the aircraft and "this way". Learn it from now on, and who's knows, next time you may guide an aircraft to land and park in front of your house! Haha :)

A video on aircraft marshalling. Enjoy!

Good night everyone ...
Exam is coming before Hari Raya!
Yeah ...


kj said...

Will learn aircraft marshalling when I become a billionaire- answer to your tag :)But wait, I will have people piloting my private plane and an aircraft marshal directing the pilot. So I don't need to learn...

Anyways, I used to call those people runway traffic police!!! never knew what they were called... hahaha. Go laugh at me.

And I thought I could see you in the video. *cue dramatic sigh*

Good luck for your exams. Does that signify that your holidays are coming right after that??? On the positive side of it, it means you are one step nearer to becoming a qualified LAE. cheers.

kEiTh said...

Hi kJ ... Told you earlier, you have to be someone who understand me the best. Just like worm in my stomach. Lolz :) Yup, after exams, it will be 9days Raya's break. Pretty short ho? At the same time, this module for the examination has taken us one year to complete. Such a long time, already. Finish it earlier, would be like taking loads from your shoulders. Haha :)

Anonymous said...

Genial post and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you as your information.