My Aims ...

To establish as an successful LAE by 2011
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Friday, April 25, 2008

Okey, this is what currently happen now, some people crack their brain days and nights to memorize all the key points for Module 6 ( Things like, Fibreglass Composite, Rivet 2024, SAE 4130, CherryMAX Rivets, and so on ... ) while some people believe "I shall sleep first, my brain is over-saturated now". So, which one would you prefer?

However, to our surprise, the Module 6 Examinations will be held ... ~ arrgghhh ~ don't know when! Serious! I mean it. This afternoon, we were informed we will be going to MAS Hangar to proceed with our On-Job Training (OJT), also, don't know for how long, until further notice is given. Apart from that, we are supposed to sit for Module 3 Exams after Module 6, but now, it seems that it will be postponed as well. That will sum up the whole scenario.

Delayed Exams = OJT!

I was rather in a mixed feeling. Examination is no doubt quite tensing, (that's part of the rule, right?), but on the other side of me, I was excited and eager to put the theories onto action in the hangar. Some more, I have read about 75% of Module 6, OMG reading it all over again will surely drain my brain's juice to dry! "Sometimes, things come up, so we need to change" - Alright, this statement has its point. Great, you win ... Those who have been studying were disappointed because they will have to wait again for the next examination, while those who were less-prepared, will shout in joy, " It's God's blessing". Which one would you prefer?

ChEeRs ...
Happy Working!

1 comment:

kj said...

My views are slightly different from yours... If I think that I'm prepared for something, I would want to just get it done as soon as possible but if I know that I haven't finished studying, then a postponement of exam=good news!!! But personally speaking, I prefer to just get something over and done with. So I think I get your point of doing your Module 6 and just get it done with...after that, you can concentrate on your Module 3. But since its postpone, guess you still need to retain your Module 6 stuff inside your brains for a period of time!!! Anyway, all the best and Good Luck for your Module 6 and 3... Enjoy your OJT too. I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself and make the best out of it. Till then, may God bless...