Living in Malaysia is indeed exceptional, what to say as we are living in a multi-culture society which is made up of different races from different backgrounds. Hari Raya Aidlifitri for the year of 2008 falls on 1st October, equivalent to 1st Syawal in the Muslim's Lunar calendar. Hari Raya Aidlifitri also marks the end of holy fasting month for the Muslims around the world. On these day, not only the Muslims themselves but also friends from other races will greet their Muslims' freinds, " Selamat Hari Raya, maaf zahir dan batin " which translates loosely to the meaning of "I seek forgiveness (from you) physically and spiritually", for Hari Raya is a time to reconcile and renew relationships with others.
This year, I followed my brother, Chung Ann for visiting to his UNIMAS friends, most of them are from the Mechanical Engineering Faculty. We started our journey at 10am, heading towards to Matang area for our first Raya's house visit. There were congested traffics in the Matang's kampung areas, where many of our Muslims friends thronged the streets to visit their nearby friends and relatives. Some of them were making their ways back home from mosque after prayers in the morning. It is customary for Malays to wear traditional Malay costumes. The dress for men is called baju Melayu while the women's are known as baju kurung and baju kurung. Traditional textiles such as songket and batik are worn favourably during this day. To sum up, let's view the pictures that I had shot ... Enjoy!
A friendly and lovely girl
with sweet smile which can melt
anyone's heart.
The common food during Raya
have to be none either than rendang,
ketupat, lemang, satay, rendang,
nasi minyak and chicken curry.
These food are compulsory during this event,
for a Hari Raya will never be complete
without them ...
Her house is also located in Matang,
a stone's throw away from Mysara's place.
She is very good in cooking, especially
her famous Black Pepper Beef Slice.
Not forgotten, at her house too,
you can enjoy the best double layer
Chocolate Cheese Cake.
Oh my, I will definitely miss her
Black Peper Beef and
Chocolate Cheese Cake very much.
Do not underestimate this girl by her childish look,
she is actually an sportwoman for boat rowing.
She has represented her University
for various pretigious competition at
local and international circuits,
with several medals under her belt now.
Wow, what an achievement!
All for best for your upcoming competition ...
His house is located beside Sungai Sarawak,
and you know what, Sungai Sarawak is just
a walking distance behind his house.
His house is constructed of wood,
very cool and comfortable.
A well preserved tradition Malay's
wooden house ...
Hehe ;)
This is Fida, elder brother,
currently taking Veterinary at UPM.
Wow, nice post Fida,
ada gaya de ...
I still cant figure out why my friends
from Penisular are so
crazy with Kek Lapis.
Can anyone tell me?
However, no doubt it is delicious
and colourful ...
Lolz :)
Firas is twin brother of Fida,
currently doing Civil Engineering in Terengganu.
Arne is now in Swinburne University, Kuching,
taking Engineering course also.
Three of them are my former
classmate in St Thomas School
ever since from Secondary 1.
2 more days before going back to KL ...
This Raya's break seems to be so short for me,
can't do anything much,
haven't meet up with some of friends yet,
I ain't sure whether I could make it
this time or some other time
Hehe :o
KeithK :)
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