Woah. It has been ages since I last wrote on The Journals. Dated to the last post, it was way back in June. So, where do you stop? Few months ago, your truthfully had been busy with lotsa stuffs, particularly with studies. Courses and courses came lining up in front of your door-step, beginning with Basic Digital Avionics (BDA) Phase 1 for 2 weeks, Phase 2 for a week, followed by B737-400 Type Courses. Haha. Yet, the B737-400 Type Course stretched as long as 6 phases for a duration of 2 and a half months. Phew~ Things never stop there as I resume my Basic License Oral Assessments, and now, I am currently waiting for my final Oral, which is, the most important; the Aviation Legislation of Malaysia. All the Regulations numbers, Airworthiness Notices have been my companion since the past week. Haha ... My scheduled date for assessment will be on the 16th of November, roughly 2 weeks from now. Ouch~ Go, go, go Keith!
24th of September? Sounds familiar? No? Yup, it is your truthfully big day; his birthday anniversary. A year older, a year wiser and a year stronger, ya? Definitely. My colleagues bought me a Birthday Cake; Green Tea with Red Bean Cake. Woah, that's my first time knowing of such a cake actually exists! Haha. Thanks to my besties out there, Wen Jie, Daniel and Ewin for being so thoughtful ... And of course, Auntie Jenny, for her wonderful gift.
24th of September? Sounds familiar? No? Yup, it is your truthfully big day; his birthday anniversary. A year older, a year wiser and a year stronger, ya? Definitely. My colleagues bought me a Birthday Cake; Green Tea with Red Bean Cake. Woah, that's my first time knowing of such a cake actually exists! Haha. Thanks to my besties out there, Wen Jie, Daniel and Ewin for being so thoughtful ... And of course, Auntie Jenny, for her wonderful gift.
This coming Monday, 1st of November will mark a milestone in the history of MAS, as the first ever wholly-owned aircraft will arrive and land in Malaysia for its voyage flight. Dressed in its new livery colors of 1 MH, I present to you, the new B737-800, with registration 9M-MXA. Woah! New aircraft, new cabin interior and new hopes, MAS certainly want to bring the best for all of us out there; to reach the unreachable and to strengthen its dominance as the prominent figure in the eyes of the Airliners. Let's wish MAS to soar higher in the years to come! :)

the land of Boeing, Co.
Thankfully, I managed to get through all phases of my B737-400 Type Course; it will be my stepping stone to further acquire my B737-800 Type in the future. Main target for this year of 2010 has to be to obtain my Basic License Without Type Rating (LWTR) from the Department of Civil Aviation (DCA) Malaysia. Am currently working on an older version of B737-200, known as the Jurassic. Being an older version of aircraft, age of more than 30 years old, it is all back to basic principle and operation. Instead of high-bypass CFM56 Engines, the -200 is fitted with low-bypass JT8D engines. Look at these engines with the Clampshell-type Thrust Reversers. How magnificent! More exposure, more experience and more hands-on, that's are what I need most in order to improve myself; to establish as an Licensed Aircraft Engineer by the year of 2011. Set the aim, and charge! :)
So, that's a very slice of me,
will be updating soon when time permits!
Am jetting off for a trip to oversea with Dad next week,
stay tune!
KeithK :)
will be updating soon when time permits!
Am jetting off for a trip to oversea with Dad next week,
stay tune!
KeithK :)