This week, I was stationed in Seat Bays Workshop, just beside Hangar 3, Line 7 and 8. Last Saturday, Saudi Arabia's B747-300 came in for HMV (Heavy Maintenance Review). So, all the aircraft seats, from passenger seats, cabin crews seats and pilots seats are sent into the workshop for inspection and overhaul. Imagine the size of B747, there are around 350++ seats come in at one time. Wow ... (*,*) We need to take off all the seats cover and accessories one by one, pieces by pieces, and you will never imagine how tiring it is, even the "Mighty Giant wen Jie" also cannot stand it out. Yong on the other hand, was like "playing hide and seek", walking around to hunt down "The Dragon" instead of "Snake" . Haha, Yong, no offense ok? Dont understand what I am trying to tell you all, well ... Read between the lines, man!!

Anyway, it was a nice experience as I got to stand side by side to the B747 aircraft for the first time. Face to face, can even touch its body some more. That's really amazed me!! "My dreams are a step closer", I whispered in my heart.

Last week in Complex A for OJT, so must grab this opportunity to learn as much as possible. Next week, it is going to be EXAMS WEEK.
GoOd LuCk, kEiTh!!